
1992. Mrs. Saito and Saito Sensei in regal formal attire at his huge first party in Iwama’s Kabuki Wedding Palace, celebrating his promotion to 9th dan by Honbu Aikikai and the 50th anniversary of aikido in Iwama. There followed an informal party of mighty proportion at the dojo, and later a third, smaller party around the indoor campfire at Hitohiro’s house nearby, although my own memory grew a bit hazy around this point…

Photo: Aikido Journal

After a Storm

1991. One September evening a tremendous storm toppled a large pine tree. It snapped about 1.5 meters above the ground and crashed down, just missing the dojo, its crown brushing the wooden dojo steps. It was quite an alarming sight to awaken to. After morning keiko, Sensei and Hitohiro cut the tree into logs for the uchi deshi to carry off and stack for future winters.

Photo: Joerg Beile

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